When traveling, whether for business or leisure, Fidelity offers you a travel insurance assistance to handle the cost of any unexpected accident that might occur during your trip.

The Travel Insurance Coverage includes:

        Medical expenses

        Hospitalization abroad

        Loss of registered luggage

        Repatriation of the mortal in case of death

        Sea and mountain rescue expenses

        Long distance medical advice

        Flight cancellation indemnity following a 4 hrs delay

        Dispatch of a specialized physician

        Dispatch of urgent messages

        Travel information services

        Referral to medical correspondents abroad

        Return of dependent children: One way ticket to the place of residence

        Transportation to join member: Round trip ticket

        Transport or repatriation of the insured in case of illness or injury

        Winter sports ski coverage

The limitation of the Travel insurance policy mentions that Trips should not exceed 62 consecutive days for any single trip, with a possibility for extension to 92 days and one year upon prior notification. Another restraint is that traveler should not exceed the 70 years of age, and if between 71 and 85 years old, special rates apply.

The Geographical coverage Outside the country of residence are two:

       Worldwide excluding USA, Canada, Japan & Australia
