Every single thing we do every day, has an impact on the planet whether positive or negative.

We, as individuals, have the power to control most of our choices, and embracing a greener lifestyle, isn't just about helping to preserve equatorial rain forests, it can also mean improving our environment, our health and ultimately, improving our overall quality of life.

In a contribution to combat climate change, to save trees and reduce air pollution, in believing that EVERY SMALL STEP COUNTS and that small actions can lead to great changes; and because we want to make a difference and produce a positive impact on society, we have decided to commit to a greener planet:

Paper Recycling project

Fidelity’s embraced paper recycling project, is in collaboration with T.E.R.R.E Liban, an independent Lebanese non-governmental organization devoted to the creation and implementation of environmental education within Lebanon, being a leader in the promotion of environmental solutions for sustainable development.

The objectives of this environmental project are to:

    bullet.png Contribute towards an environmental cause by saving landfill space, conserving natural resources and reducing pollution.
    bullet.png Cultivate an environmental awareness among office workers who consume large amounts of paper.
    bullet.png Implement a Green e-mail signature.

In an effort to be part of a greener planet, Fidelity is contributing in:

    bullet.png spreading the following message in its e-mail signaturegreen-mail.png to support the Go-Green Awareness and help the society save paper waste that harms our mother nature.

    bullet.pngEmbedding an internal Paper Waste Management policy that consists of recycling all Fidelity’s paper consumption waste while contributing to saving trees and having a positive impact on the planet and society.