Fidelity was established back in 1967.

Sustaining an excellent financial standing with all legal requirements fulfilled, Fidelity enjoys a solid backup provided by highly rated reinsurance companies and reputable administrators and providers.

Moreover, Fidelity gathers a team of the finest professionals in the field who run the company on the basis of highest quality benchmarks with integrity and respect blended in a culture of friendliness and dynamism at the core of their values.

Fidelity’s customers have access to one of the largest, most diversified and professional sales force whose mission is to provide them with state-of-the-art consultation and to ease all procedural complications said to be bound to the operation of insurance companies.

Our insurance Consultants are scattered all over the country. These are carefully recruited and continuously trained, coached and followed-up to provide the finest one-to-one consultation, advice and service in order to ease all procedural complications said to constitute a burden for policy holders.

Fidelity’s portfolio comprises a wide range of convenient and accessible products, well-knitted to fit the needs of both the corporate and retail sectors. By understanding that one size doesn’t fit all, Fidelity stays focused on providing solutions that go well beyond delivering a policy – these are based on designing customized programs to fit its customers’ exposures.

Fidelity at a glance.pdf

BLIS 2021
BLIS 2021
HONORING OUR CHAIRMAN - BLIS 2021 Watch Mr. Ricardo Sleiman's full documentary featured during event BLIS 2021 session "Honoring Ricardo Sleiman" more.